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| Emo-ing
我真的很不开心啊~ 试问下根本没人懂我要干嘛,我也不知道我自己到底要的是什么~ 为什么爱情都是那么烦的啊?我真的很在意还有关心他的所有的一切。就是因为这样,或许会让他觉得很辛苦就好像窒息一样~ 即使他告诉我他不会,我都会觉得他会~有时候我会觉得我很白痴又觉得自己是超级小气的,一点事就会夸大来看,我需要酱吗?每次拿苦让自己辛苦而已~ 我每次只会哭,不然就是不开心~ 再这样下去我会疯掉!就算讲了出来,也不见得有什么帮助~ 说来说去,我还是不够成熟去处理这些事~ 事实证明我还是小妹妹~ 还是很幼稚! 当他没有信息我的时候,我就会开始胡思乱想。。不懂他在干嘛~ 有时候我就好像一个疯婆在那里瞎担心他,等他的信息~ 我已经跟他走过了差不多半年了~ 说真的,没人可以和我保证我们到底会不会长久~ 但是我可以说我会珍惜和他的感情~ 因为我知道找一个合适的人,一点都不简单~ 如果能,我想和他继续走一辈子~ 无法否认,他真的很疼我~ 还很迁就我。。那我还需要说什么吗?根本就是不需要嘛。。 一切都是我想太多了~ Exam Day
Just finished for my ethics exam...I realized that my brain can't normal activity as like last time and keep forget what I hard study recently.. If still keep it on, I really will crazy and unhappy.... Not only that, my brain is so tired and let me become more lazy and lazy and it is giving me stressful... although I always push myself not to so lazy and try to let me more relax... and I have to chase after my friends result... It is so stress when last time You are always who get high marks or good result in the class or final exam..and I'm so proud with my result but now I felt like so shame when You asking me what is your result and my parents always give me some support ... but this support is not really giving me energy and it just increase my stress only...Suddenly felt like I'm so useless... =( I'm checking some information from internet... Don't know just because of this reasons and caused my brain can't work at normal rate... haix... T^T I think is just because my blood can't really support to my brain >.< 神面的影响长期承受这种精神上的压力或波动,其杀伤力远大于感冒病毒对人体的影响,人会变得易疲劳,抵抗力下降,易怒性情暴躁,抑郁等,这种精神上的影响其原因还无法用医学方法来解释。 预防及治疗改善脑缺氧方法很简单,做你想做的事、做让你放松的事、做让你身心愉悦的事,改变现在的生活节奏,重新调整作息时间,在你密密麻麻的预定表里加上半个小时伸2个懒腰,1个小时间隔出去溜达5分钟喝口水看看风景再加上20个深呼吸。和老同学去喝喝茶暂时回到过去无忧无虑的年代。每个星期进行2~4次的运动。 进行氧疗同样也可以缓解压力(氧气有镇静作用)补充体力,改善睡眠等作用,可以很快改善精神面貌。但是吸氧疗法只能是权宜之计,从根本上改善脑缺氧状态还是需要平时加强运动。脑供血不足患者的注意事项: 注意事项:早睡早起;适当锻炼,如快走等;一定要吃早餐,吃饭清淡为好,不要油腻辛辣。建议脑供血不足者饮食上要远三白(糖、盐、猪油),近三黑(黑芝麻、蘑菇、黑米)。从营养价值看,四条腿(猪、牛、羊)不如两条腿(鸡、鸭),两条腿不如一条腿(蘑菇),一条腿不如没有腿(鱼)。经常吃海带、河鱼,鱼油可减低脑细胞死亡速度。 保持心情的舒畅,乐观的心情,首先还要保持一个健康的心理。累的话可以试试已下方。 I will try this solution and solve my problems =) 无论发生什么事,我一定可以熬得过!!!我学会永不放弃的精神!!加油!!! Just You & Me ♥
Dear, you still remember 23/9/2012 this date? It is a lot of things are happened on that day....I'm still remember clearly although is passed quite long time~~ >.< On that day, you suddenly asked me " Can you be my girlfriend ? "... On that moment,I'm really get shocked and don't know how to answer you.. Then, you keep asking me whether can or not..>.< and you asked me " Can you be my girlfriend ? " again and again... hahaXD It's so sweet when we are lying on the floor and keep chit chatting... I'm really not willing to let you go to training when the moment you are leaving to Penang... You still remember they asked you to give me some hug or kissing to me? Tell the truth, I really hope that you can give me some hug before you leaving although is in the shy situation~~ >.< And I'm so sorry to you that I didn't accompany you going to bus station...
After one week, you are giving me surprised that you come back from Penang... That is a most sweet moment to me... >.< And this is our first photo that i took with you ^_^
Dear, do you remember? ♥
We are going to second meet in Penang ♥ The first time I took bus went to find you at Penang and took ferry and bus with you ♥ At night, we are took dinner at Who is Bryan's restaurant... and this is the first photo that we took at Penang ♥
Who is Bryan's Restaurant
The cappucino that ordered from you.. although is so bitter taste but in my heart is so sweet since you are always be my side ♥
The second day, you are accompany me going to see doctor.. haix... so sorry that i'm sick on second day and keep giving you trouble... =( but luckily we still can go hang gai on the night... hahaXD
After we wrote the postcard.. ^_^ Then, we are going to drink at here.. and try to enjoy the shop atmosphere >.< is not bad.. ♥ thanks my dear to bring me here...
The third day, we are going to see the famous mural in Penang...
你我的影子 ♥
Hopefully that I can receive the flower from You, Dear~ >.< ♥ Is still waiting for your flowers to me...heheheh>.<
Love You DEAR ♥
突然有股很想放弃的感觉~~ 我真的有那么差吗?算了吧 Wai Man~~ 没人会回答你的~~ 心知肚明...
还好我还有两位知己,好朋友~~ 只有他们愿意听我诉苦。。谢啦~~ 不然我一早就爆炸了~~哈哈哈哈~~~ XD
Never Say Never
I have a long time didn't write my blog~~I'm so happy and never regret that i make this decision (coming to kampar study) .... If I didn't ask my parents to let me come kampar study, I will never know our XX happy family.... i never regret that i'm join XX although outsider is always said XX is not good but the truth is XX is a very nice Family members... NO XX NO ME~~ IF no XX, i never getting know Chow Ye Ying.... i will never close with her.... 我的喜怒哀乐都是"她"陪我度过的~ 我从来都没有想过可以在金宝找到自己的知己~ 谢谢你曹叶盈!!I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU!!! Tell the truth, i really like the feeling when i'm going out with you.... because 不需要做作~ we always like a SAMPAT girl going there and here.... and sometimes we will doing SAMPAT things at Dataran.... Do you still REMEMBER ? ? but i'm still remember ~~ hahahXD the time was passed so fast... we know each other is already almost 1 year time.... i really appreciate every single moment with you.. i really scare we will never close after XX or graduate diploma... 我真的很不想我们的大家庭就这样结束了~ 我们经历了不少的风风雨雨,我们一起哭,一起笑,一起颠,一起被挨骂~ 我好怀念我们一起熬夜的时候,我们有泪有汗,有开心与不开心的时候~我们就要毕业了。我真的很舍不得你们啊~~虽然我们都已经辛苦了一年,但我不曾后悔认识到你们!!你们就是我的一切~~ 爱你们哟~~ XX IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Busying~
T^T i still have a lot assignment NOT YET DONE~ Who can help me???? This time really want die already~ "sigh" Later night would going out with my brother watching movie.... Damn Nice man..... And now feel very happy eh~ XD The TRUTH
After i knew the TRUTH, I'm not really feeling well at all~ and unacceptable for this Fact~No wonder he will said better don't know other people background is more better than you know~ Now i only get know what is the feeling is it~ 原来是一点都不好受~ T^T Actually i also don't know whether i do wrong or right in this case~ Am i Do RIGHT Decision ? Would I regret after i do this decision ? I keep asking myself~ But one thing is I would always support him until forever~ ♥ 明天会更好~ 我永远都会支持你咯我的朋友~ |